

So today is new years eve! I'm a tad bit excited. My boyfriend is throwing a party tonight with his friend in PV! Lot's of peeps are supposed to be going so we'll see how it turns out. I got a cute outfit to wear but I'm still debating between two tops. hmmm. I'm at work today til 1! ugh I wanted to sleep in so badly today! Then I'm going to get my eyebrows down at the galleria then help Hector with whatever it is that he needs to get done.. prolly like buy some juices and plastic cups and stuff like that. We'll see.

Well I hope everyone has a safe and fun New YEars Eve! Don't get TOO WASTED! ;]
SEE YOU IN 2009!

Childhood Memories

I NEED TO GET THIS GAME! GUESS WHO?? I used to love playing it as a kid all the time.
It's the shiiiitt! When I went to KB toys the other day i saw one but it was for $20 and I'm not down to pay that much for it. $10 maybe. & I also need to get a new CONNECT FOUR

Big in 2009

i have a feeling these will be the new yeezy glasses of '09
but it's just a feeling I could be wrong
because i personally don't know WHY anyone would wear them!



so it's saturday night. and i think posting this pretty much says it all. I'm at home. watching movies on netflix like a lammmeeeerrr! and my bf went out wiht my car. but anywayzzz ugh time to go see whats new on the wonderful world of websites!


Now that the gifts are gone

So Christmas is over, and now we can worry about finding that cute dress to wear to our New Year's Eve parties!! woohoo!! I don't think Christmas is like what it used to be anymore. I mean it was still a good Christmas for me but I htink it was alot funner when I was smaller. So I'm back on the grind, working fulltime until January27th 2009!! Let's see what this new year is going to have in store for me! =)



So my boyfriend surprised me today by picking up form work and taking me to lunch. While we were eating we were talking about our xmas gifts for each other and he told me that I wouldn't be getting anything on christmas that I wouldn't be getting my gift til after christmas and if I wanted to know what it was but I said no because I would rather just not know just in case he never did end up getting it because he did that to me on my birthday. but anyway so he started to guess what I had boughten him and he never guessed right and everytime I said no about the things he was mnaming i saw a URN MY GIFT THAT I BOUGHT HIM AND BUY HIM SOMETHIGN ELSE! ugh i felt so bad like I thought I had a good gift but it turns out it's not even good. But it's okay I want him to be happy so I'm goin to Guitar Center today and buying him the actual gift that he wants. HOPEFULLY he will like this one. sheesh louise. at least he has something to open on christmas eve, unlike me. but oh well its really not about the gifts to me. I just want him to spend it wiht me and thats more than enough. Im obviously not wiht him for the money and gifts. If you knew us then you would know the truth. =)


The Grove is boring

Today I went to the grove wiht my bf and his lil sister and it was not what I expected. I found it to be pretty boring and a waste of gas to me. I mean if you have that kind of money to shop alot there then it's good for you I guess but if you don't have an expendable wallet then I don't think it's for you. AND! we tried to get ont he trolley and the guy who is in charge saw us walking up the stairs and when we werre halfway up he then decides to tell us it was full so we coudln't get on. I was a little upset. The tree's are nice though cause of the way they are decorated lol. but other than that it's not that big of a deal. I lowkey wished I had the D40 i been wanting to take random pictures of people I htink they would have came out dope! haha.


The Golden Age

My boyfriend is a DJ, and a very good one I might add so I wanted to get some cool shirts for christmas cuz I have good t-shirt taste haha and he needs some new tee's so I found this one on ACRYLIK's website and I think it's awesome for him! they have some really dope shirts I must say for a reasonable $25. I like to get shirts that they don't sell at l ike Up Agaisnt The Wall so that way no one else will have it! =) Oh & i bought my sister this really cute leopard print dress from Forever21! I wanna keep it for myself but naahh i think she will love it.


YES, it cost me $13.80 to fill up my gas tank today which was on E!! i drive a honda civic and NO there isn't any problems with it's gas meter thing. I couldn't believe it myself!!! but YAY!

LEVI'S to the rescue

so this is pretty much why i defff need to go buy me some levi's after all the guy goes thru he MIRACULOUESLY still has his perfectly fitted levi's without any damage! HAH!


OBAMA FADEDDD , ok not really.

You know what the best part of this photograph is, that it really is BARAK OBAMA, our President of the US and I still don't find anythign wrong with it. I still admire the guy even if he was faded as a freshamn. No this isn't fake. It was in TIME and a whole roll of film with pictures just like it were dug up. But the point is that this picture is dope and so is he. enough said.


Dear Santa,

I've been good all year.


Lady in red is dancing with me.

so yesterday I went christmas shopping for my parents but i ended up only with a gift for my mother because my father is oh so difficult and won't help you out but anyway so I couldn't help but to stop in forever 21 and o m g i wanted eevrything!!! ugghh i hate xmas time cuz i cant buy anything for myself! i know that makes me sound so selfish but i'm really not but anyway. I was trying on dresses but I didn't see nay cute red dresses and then all the dresses I tried on weren't fitting me right because of my large chest! ugh it is not fun having to try and fit two big watermelons in a dress that the res of your body fits in fine. So anyway I was about to go pay then I seen a brand new rack of dresses just put out and wwhhaaalaaahh they had a red one in my size! the only one! so i had to go try it on and I did , so long story short this is my dress! I think it's cute but i won't be able to wear a bra so i'm gonna have to get that clear boob tape.

Dj won't you play this girl a love song.

I advise you to NOT date a DJ & don't date someone who is 21 and your not. Seriously it will do things to you. Just some free advice.

Anyway Yesterday was my last day of class but next week i have my last finals. I htink im gonna skip one only because I WANT too take it over again next time so there really is no point but we shall see. Today is friday & I'm wearing flannel! =)
It's pretty chilly in here today also.

I'm about to watch monday's episode of GG that i missed then by then I'll be out for lunch. I brought some kind of pasta today my aunt made i guess because I do not have money to be spending on food anymore lol.


that's what he said

so i guess according to someone, whose opinion matters to me alot, i need to lose weight. =( but the funny thing is this person is the only person who feel this way. so i'm not sure what makes me feel worst... ::sigh::

Don't be a fool, Stay in school

I am officially stressed with school. I didn't think I would get to this point. But Oh BOY! So tmo and thursday are my last actual classes then next tuesday i have 2 finals and thursday I have my last two finals. SHOOT ME NOW PLEASE! I think the only class I am really stressing over is my Econ finals. I don't even know what the hell is going on in that class so somehow I am going to have to teach myself an entire course in just a couple of days. YIKES! I am almost positive I will have to retake it but I don't mind because I really didn't learn anything from this teacher at all. I wish I had dropped the class a long time! But anyway I think I will do fairly well on my psychology exam and my english one too as well as political science. OH GOSH WISH ME LUCK!


The Perfect Stranger

It's pretty amazing the things you will tell a perfect stranger that you wouldn't really find yourself tellign your own best friend. I wonder why this is so... maybe it's because we think we will neever meet the person again so they won't have another chance to judge us. Or maybe it's because we know that the person doesn't know us entirely and we don't know them entirely so why not start out with an exciting stor right? hmm well whatever it is, it happens alot. more than you realize.


Nine to Six

Seriously I am about to shoot myself! I finished all the work I could possibly do. Well maybe not everything but just about everything. I am utterly bored!My boss won't leave yet so I have to keep pretending that I am wrecking. I was even starting to shred 3 sheets of paper at a time from my pile of superbills that need to be shredded. I sometimes really hate this job. It makes me feel so demeaning! Locked up in this damn office for 8 hours a day I need some more excitement in my life. Not even watching all the funny looking people pass by outside on the street is entertaining enough for me anymore since I have realized that THEY CAN ACTUALLY SEE ME STARING! I should be updating my journals for my CHLS class but I am so not in the moood for that. It doesn't really feel like a friday either I must say. I feel so blah! But anywho who knows what kind of trouble I will be getting into tonight.

I've realized that the internet is a very exploiting place. & it's slowly but surely taking over our lives! Pretty soon there will be no need fr newspapers because we can just read the stories online and that will put even more people out of jobs! no bueno! Speaking of jobs, I need a new one or I need a raise, so what's it gonna be?

I thought about watchigna movie on NETFLIX but damn I'm getting tired of their "WATCH INSTANTLY" selection. There isn't any thing worthy of wasting time watching on their anymore. OMG & you know what the most wierdest thing is, EVERY TIME i choose a movie to watch that i would never ever suspect of being shown on tv any time soon, about 2 or 3 days later I'll be flipping through my guide for HBO & BOOM that friggin movie is playing!! I SWEAR it's the craziest thing and I am so not making this up. LIke for instance the other day me and my bf were in my room being bored and he was falling asleep on my bed after I had given hima massage so then I go sit on my little sofa across from him and I put on DUNSTON CHECKS IN on my laptop. Seriously i do not rememebr the last time i saw this movie even on VHS then two days later it's on my damn HBO like wtffff!! It happens every damn time, First Wives Club, Perfect Stranger, When Harry met sally, just to name a few. I think my laptop might be hacked on which is even scarier considering the fact that I have webcam that I sometimes sit in front of naked! YIKES i think they should make a coker for the lens.. or maybe a lil post-it will have todo. hmmm


The little red dress

I need to get me a little red dress for this holiday. Actually I think I need to buy me a couple of dresses. Enough with the Blank Buisness Pants. ugh.


I officially HATE this thing!! I got this app on my G1 right, thinking it would be entertaining, WRONG! This dumb ball is forever fukin with my emotions! And we cannot be having that! No way! And when I ask it quesitons like what my name is it will give the correct answer then I ask it a question and it will give me a "without a doubt" when I want to hear "NO!" This thing is no bueno for relationship questions I'll tell you that much! So don't buy it unless you are super confident in yourself. That's all.


OH! it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.


& im sitting in starbucks cuz my class was cancelled and all they play is effin
i mean some are okay like the super oldies one but some are just pure
E V I L!




Survival of the fittest

Some day I'll be able to solve all my problems and survive.