So even though tomorrow is Valentine's day and deciding to make a reservation somewhere today is pretty much pointless i think if you pick one of the things below you justu might be able to save the day! after all who doesn't like to be loved on VDAY!
MOVIESYou could always go out for an early movie, maybe one that didn't just come out and avoid all the crowds and after go for dinner or catch an early dinner and late movie..
DINNER AT HOMEHow about cookin up a lil sumthin sumthin together at home and enjoying it alone together that way you don't have to worry about the older couple across from you lookin while you sneak some foreplay under the table, this way you can do it on top of the table and not care!
BODY PAINTI haven't tried this personally but I am guessing it would be fun. So I'd do it. I mean painting SEX or hearts all over your man's body ?? COUNT ME IN!
STRAWBERRIESI'm not really a huge fan of chocolate covered strawberries I mean they're pretty good but I would prefer a caramel dip with my strawberries or some ice cream or some whip cream! I'm not sure why these are so special for vday I would eat them anytime of the year.
HANDCUFFS & LINGERIENeed I say more? really? have some fun! SPice it up a bit! It ain't gonna kill ya I promise!
&& lastly
SEXAfter all the V in V-DAY does stand for Vagina doesn't it??
haha kidding!
Have a wonderful Valentines day!