When I was younger my mother forced me into the Pageantry world so I know a little bit about it and have had some first hand experience with it. I have a lil under 100 trophy's tiaras and medals and Barbie dream houses and costumes to prove it. Once upon a time i modeled for the no longer existing Hawthorne mall. HOWEVER! When I was in pageants it was not as bad as it appears to be NOW!
This show TODDLERS & TIARAS shows exactly why I would never do that to my daughter. I couldn't get an episode on here but this is the closest I got. I do remember the mothers of the girls being more into the competition than the girls. I would be crying because of all the hairspray in my eyes. I witnessed a mom yell at her 11 yr old daughter for not having a smile big enough for the judges to see! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU BITCHES!!!! They are only little girls!!!! I seriously don't think it is healthy to make your daughter at such a young age think that beauty is everything. Piling on all that make-up on her smooth skin so she can grow up to look like your ugly-ass! AND the JUDGES!!!! OMG WHO ARE THEY ANYWAY! Just some random ass people they found off the street to wear a suit and sit at a table and look at lil girls parade up and down a stage in lil bikinis! FUKIN PERVS! How is an ugly adult guna decide which child is the cutest?? I'm just sayin tho. I hardly ever wear a dress ever since those times of my life.