My family always gets together for Easter and does an Easter Egg hunt, but with money and candy in the eggs, but I think this is would be so much for exciting!
I just recently finished the book Water For Elephants. I can't even explain it. It is written so so well. I don't expect the movie to be anywhere as good. Well since I have read this book I have become intrigues with the 1930's and 1940's circus. I would have loved to experience this first hand.
I gave up on this 365 photos. I thought it would be a good idea. I thought some time from now I will look back on these pictures from my smart phone and remember the day. but if these days were so important to remember than i wouldn't need a picture on a blog on the internet that will probably change by the time i need to look back at it. instead these days that i took the time to take pictures of because i wanted to remember them later will be in my memory forever. this is what i do. I collect memories. along with cameras and books.