
Is this thing still on??

I know I know I have abandoned you againnnn
sorry! busy with work and school and now i'm on a short thread at work can't even use internet. ugh. but anywho a quick update on what has happened so far..... let's see

+ We were on the George Lopez Show with Mario Lopez and this one Comedian Girl she's actually pretty funny I just don't rememebr her name but she did that one King Burger on SNL skit.
+ My roomies have disappeared off the face of the earth apparently so I pretty much live alone now.
+I have seem to lost some pretty good friends but I refuse to try and have a friendship. Effort shouldn't be needed in a friendship.
+I have officially replaced movie theaters with Netflix movies. Thanks to hector. :)
+I HATTEEE La Cienega Blvd. HATE
+Ikea is the shit when you know how to hunt for a bargain, got a whole new bedroom look for under $85 and can't stop talking about that.
+I wish I had enough guts to change my major to Anthropology but I can't. This semester has really got me interested in everything but psychology which isn't good at all.
+I'm on my "Maxim's Hometown Hotties" fitness plan. hahaha i'll explain eventually. ;)
+ I'm in love. <3

okay okay I'll upload some pictures for your visual fixations. Toodles lovelies.