First off I start my day okay wake up at 6am get ready for school and as any other girl would know when your on your period your outfits for that whole week you have to work with your period. So I dealt with that and was out the door. I got through my first class fine, then comes my second class with my teacher with he thickest accent you could possibly ever hear in your entire life I really wish there was a way to impersonate it for yout o hear but there isn't. Anyways I find out there was homework I didn't do it and had no idea so I had to lowkey get that done. In my 3rd class I had to go tinkle and I look in my book bag and you you guessed it.

I forgot to pack up an extra tampon! Fuck me right? I had to leave right after that class and missed my econ class yet again but to me it was worth it because Lord knows I did not wanna end up like this

So I rush home and then find myself holding my tummy because of how painful the cramps I was getting were, then Tee calls and we left with her to pick up some boots she ordered from Chinese Laundry then we went to grab some lunch from Costco. I needed to go pick up my check from my job at 4:30 in order to make it to the bank on time so I could get the money out for the rent. When I get to work I find out that one of my co-workers left work early and decided to take my check with her!!! I waisted 20 min in traffic on the 110 for no damn reason! I call her up and she tells me she will be home in 10-15 min and it was going to take me another 20 minutes to get to her house form work anyway. I get to her house and SHE STILL WASN'T HOME!! I called her and she said she would be there right now, 10 minutes pass and still nothing. I was beginning to look like this guy...

Finally she decides to show up at 5:45 so I had 15minutes to rush over to the bank. I make it to the bank just in time when I swipe my card in the lil thing it won't work. This hardly ever happens but I can understand why it did because my boyfriend decided to leave my card out in sun on one of those hot days we had towards the end of this past summer and it melted a lil hump into my card on the swiping side. The teller asks me for my ID but I didn't have on me so I went back to the car to get it, now on my ID is not my current address, and she didn't believe me enough that it was my account that she had to ask me what my address was on my bank account and I thought I knew it but apparently since I moved from the last place and my mother unfortunately has the same name as me , she put a "forward" on the mail that went to our old address to her new one and then bank changed it without event telling me! So this teller is thinking that I'm just some crazy woman who doesn't know where she lives until finally I tell her my social and she let's me DEPOSIT money into my account. After all that the whole time I had Nicole (bf's lil sis) with me and we came back to my bf's house until someone came home to watch her so that I could go to the gym. But we didn't have a key to get back in so we had find a way to get back in for about 10 minutes. While I am sitting on the couch I realize that my jeans, Frankie B's, rippped! They are baggy but they ripped right under my butt cheek! By now you an imagine how depressed I was. Finally my bf's dad got home I left and got ready for the gym went to the gym did my workout while watching The Biggest Loser (very motivational,) went home, showered, left and came back to my bf's house, where I am currently writing this from since I have no internet whatsoever at my casa. We watched The Hills, SO SO SO SO SO FAKE! ugh so that was my day oh and I thought I would be getting that one call of good news today but that didn't happen so now I'm starting to lose faith. I about to give up on life I can't seem to catch a break!