
If I were a white girl

I would probably be really into Travis Barker, simply for this video and all his other videos of him remakin another artists songs. Shit's dope.

but i'm not white. thank you baby jesus. no offense


When you break it down like that . .

So it's Thursday, my first Thursday out of school and I came to work and I am going to be at work til 6. I know I should be used to this whole Monday thru Friday 9 to 6 thing but for some reason I am not! and Monday was a holiday which means it was going to be a shorter working week but it seems to be taking forever to get to friday.

There's 24 hours in a day.
I spend 8 of those hours at work in an office secluded from the rest of the world.
I spend 5 or 7 hours, if I'm lucky, in bed attempting to go to sleep
I then spend 2 of those hours getting ready and driving to work to start on those 8 hours.
That's already 15 hours of no life!!! Leaving me with 9 hours
I then spend another hour walking oliver
and the rest I don't even know. Looking for something to eat i guess.
This is just saddening. If I made a lil pie chart of my day with different colors, the majority of it would be black.
i'm just sayin.

And to top it off all this damn working should be "paying" off but it really isn't.
I don't get paid enough for doing what I do.
but i can't quit because then I would be jobless. and that is not going to happen.

stick a fork in me, because i'm done.


Long Hair don't care

I want bangs but I don't know how I want them but I do like these styles so I want sumthin in the middle of all of these and that I don't always have to do my hair with to look good. I hate when bangs flop up after they dry.

Before I forget

Add this to my b-day list. thanks.

Summer Collection is super on POINT!

I absolutely love every piece they did in this collection. By far my favorite and even though I got into an arguement last night with hector about me buying their clothes, I don't care but I am definitely buying one of these shirts. I'm sorry but it's an addiction babe and I have needs. My needs need to be fulfilled.

p.s. if ur reading this you could just stop me from buying it by buying it for me. haha! =) kidddiinnggg


I know I haven't really posted anything interesting about me or interesting period but I can now have a chance to pay a lil more attention to this blog. I really didn't anticipate on using this blog so frequently but now I'm just a little addicted to it.

I am officialy done with my 2nd year of college! I am extremely proud of myself and happy that my summer has officialy begun. I can already tell the days are going to pass by very quickly so I promise to make the most of them. I hope I can do some much needed traveling this summer and make as much money as possible because I definitely need to save. I am back on my mon thru friday 9 to 6 schedule which isn't so bad in the beginning but it's going to drive me crazy real soon. I have alot of catching up todo.

I'll keep you guys update everytime something new and exciting in my life happens.
oh which reminds me I FINALLY LEARNED HOW TO DRIVE STICK SHIFT LAST NIGHT! YAY! Of course I need some more practice though but i didn't stall out while driving in the street and that's a BIG improvement from the very first time I attempted to learn. :)


Don't say you will, unless YOU WILL

Drake Freestyling In Detroit from Flying With Da Fishes Blog on Vimeo.

I have to admit I was never into the whole OMG DRAKE thing but he's actually pretty dope for a guy who used to make money pretending to be handicapped. I hear he's doing a show in LA soon and I would most def love to go so I think you should take me. Pleassseeeee!!!

My birthday is comin' up

I'm just sayin :)

Talk about thug luv

vc: mad cultured

I just saw this video on that blog and wow
that's all i'm saying.
who does this?
please watch.

Cue Stalker music please!

Some girl actually got this? WHYYYY ?? and the quote? really?
Killin me
I don’t want to have to do this living.
I just walk around.
I want to be swept off my feet, you know?
I want my children to have magical powers.
I am prepared for amazing things to happen.
I can handle it.

-Richard Swersey

Throwback Tuesday

I like that DC came out with this video but the outfits? Really? all the criss cross strings and plastic it's just a little too much for me.


I totally dig these but I'm kinda iffy and I seen them at the Sheik in Foxhills mall but would I buy them I don't know and they are totally a rip off the Hellz Bellz tee but they're still legit.
aaggghhh decisions decisions

Summer Sunday are now Fashion Sundays!

details here: http://www.love-made.com/wordpress/?p=13




Align Left

Yesterday while walking around in Belmont Shore I came across this lil shop called JennyG Fashions and totally FELL IN LOVE with the dresses! The prices range from about 130 to 180 but when you have been lookin for so long for the most perfect form fitting dress like I have it's totally worth it. Especially when I rarely ever wear dresses. I am def going back asap and gettin one for me. The most perfect one.


Dolla Dolla Bills ya'll

I am CONSIDERING doing my nails like this, but I am still debating. What do you think? I like honesty.

I like to wear panties on my head

I'm sure you've seen the pictures of Rihanna and probably wondered who leaked them out and when I saw them I didn't see this last one. The missing link! and I can tell you it's part of the collection because of the mirror in the background.


Bring it on down to Plastic Ville

Justin Timberlake should join SNL!!!


I wanna get on the back of one.

Dodger Game Lucky 13!

Boyfriend suprised me with Dodger tickets last minute so I ditched worked and tried my best to get thru that 405 traffic at 5pm! It was a game I will for sure always remember! Lucky 13! MLB HISTORY! I was really upset that I didn't have my camera though it's still getting cleaned & all I could use was the camera on my G1 So i tried my best to get in as much photos as I could before it died. We had GREAT SEATS!!! I MEAN GREAT! & the kardashians were there.
me: "how do you know?"
Hector: "I can see that boooty from here!!"
me: "oh god! She tweeted about it anyway."
It was a good game. I am however sad now about Manny and his sexual performance medication. See what an erectile dysfunction can do to your career! NO BUENO!
p.s. LET'S GO LA!

Lucky Rabbit Feet

I am determined to get these! I think I deserve something nice!


Okay if you haven't yet seen the youtube or yahoo video of Fisher layin out that other dude i forgot his name, you def need to go look for it ASAP!! This whole Lakers vs Rockets series is about to be intense! I wanna see Kobe & Artest fight but only in the last game when Lakers are winning jus tin case kobe gets ejected hahah!

I didn't get to watch the game unfortunately because i was at the (drumroll) DODGER GAME LUCKY 13!!! & I witnessed MLB History with some bomb-ass seats I must say! =) Pictures in a later post.



I have alot to talk about but no time right now! Update soon tho i promise!


I have a Real typa Love Type

It's Always better to go with the Classics

Ollie & Me

We got a puppy! Well he doesnt look like much of a puppy but he's 8 months old, Golden Lab, and the friendliest dog ever! He hasn't barked once in two days except for an occasional growl. He loves to lick people but as you can see he's pretty lazy and he shed's alot, everywherreeee! But I can't wait for him to get bigger! We have a cute lil family now! =)