Bikini/Brazilian Waxing is no fuking joke!! I got mine done yesterday! UGH! It is way too painful at first but once you leave you feel a sense of relief that your precious pussycat is clean and it's not as painful anymore, I thought the very first time I was gonna end up walking out funny and people were going to notice but you don't walk out funny you walk out perfectly fine! The wax is way hot though and I like how the waxer tries to calm your nerves and talks to you while she is staring at your cooch & in my mind I'm thinking homegirl should consider herself lucky! I don't even spread this wide open for my man! If you get a good waxer then she will keep the convo about you and life and different shit but don't try talking so much you might let out a loud YELP! I managed not to yell but I did squint ALOT! I'm tellin' you shit is no joke! Then she will tell you how lucky your boyfriend is that your getting this done and blah blah blah. Guys have no idea how lucky they are that they don't have to wax down there but she did tell me how she has a male customer who is a cop and he goes to get his back waxed. He went by to get his chest down for a wedding and he ended up in tears and screaming! How embarrasing is that! If you haven't gotten your BW done yet then I must warn you, IT HURTS! The wax is hot the whole drop your pants and open your legs to a stranger can be a little intimidating but once you get through it you will for sure be happy!