So I have been waiting for awhile to get the HBxSTUSSY COllab "sisters in arms" tee right?? So I'm thinkign okay saturday morning when they open I will go but I somehow got convinced that there would be line so I go early and make Hector take me. We get to La Brea & 1st st at like 9ish & NO FUKIN LINE! NO NOTHIN! so we decide to go get some food and then the stupid hispanic lady at Carls Jr doesn't understand me when I say SALSA! for my burrito to her in spanish but she's TALKING TO ME IN SPANISH like wtf! so that totally ruined it and then hector was paranoid about some trannie checkin him out! lmao. So anyway we weren't sure what time STUSSY opened so we were waiting and waiting and waiting and I literally counted every damn JEW that walked by us and in one minute I kid you not I counted 17!!!
THEN, I decide to go into that prop junkyard place right on the corner to check it out and I actually saw some pretty kool shit in there.
Anyhow We decide to leave our post at like 10:30ish almost 11 so Hector drives around and then drives back and we stop at the Buffalo Exchange and eehhh they didn't have the best selection in shoes but it was kool. Then we go to STUSSY! & let me tell u! THOSE FUCKERS DIDN'T HAVE SHIT! THEY ONLY HAD 2 SHIRTS IN A SIZE SMALL AND OF THE SHIRT I DIDN'T EVEN WANT! I WAS HEATED! How the hell do you not carry more quantity of SE shirts?? & they were being super rude to me! SO we bounced and went to UNDEFEATED THHEEEN We went to &STill which I have to say is Hector's new fave spot. Super Dope Vintage Hiphop sports Tee's and we were not about to leave witout buying something so i got him a dope shirt that is currently hanging in my closet. Next time I'm getting that GUCCI sweater.