Okay a minute ago Barbie was a bitch we all love to envy with her perfect world and now she is the Fashion icon. I ain't trying to hate I loved Barbie as a kid. I had every single Barbie there was almost and one huuggee drawer in my closet just for her clothes and another huge drawer with a bunch of naked barbies, no joke and I had about 3 Barbie Dream houses, even the one with the elevator and the one that came apart in 3 pieces, plus the Barbie Camping van, plus the Barbie mini van thingy I was legit no joke. MY MOM EVEN COLLECTED BARBIES! And she still got'em so I'm hoping I could take them off her hands one day and sell those suckas! But anyway back to the point of all this,
MOB x Collete x Barbie made this shirt for the Barbie exhibition. I guess it comes in 3 colors and I think it's pretty dope. But I don't know if I'd buy it.