Click on this URL wait for it to load, Click on the QWERTY keyboard
then type on ur keyboard
this seriously had me dieing !!!!
I Know I am easily amused! but it's too kool!
If this is true then I will def get one!
Can you pass the popcorn please
Weekend in Pictures
Pre-Weekend in Pictures Quickie
Okay I have lots of pics form this past weekend to post up but I have been super busy with work today I will for sure get on it when I get home but let me sum up how it went. Friday was a chill night didn't go out really, stayed at my boyfriends house wit his familia. Saturday woke up at the crack of dawn to go to the Tri-City Photoshoot meet hosted by SCC. It was pretty cool, saw some really nice cars and took some pretty great shots. I even went as far as to stick my head out of my bf's sunroof as he drove on the 405, yes I know I'm crazy & dumb but hey you live for the moment! We went from Stanton to Costa Mesa to Long Beach to San Pedro but ended up leaving a lil early because it got a little unorganized. Then went home to watch my netflix movies and just knockout the rest of the night pretty much. Sunday as you may have read I was supposed to clean my room BUUTT I didn't hah! Instead I went to park in Maywood and cheer on bf at his softball game & also got in some pretty good shots. I'm really learning more and more techniques of taking photos with my D40 & I am so in love with it. I think I will soon be attempting to take some real shots this week hopefully if I get the stuff set up in my room. Okay I got lot's of paperwork todo. But I'll be back with pics!
Good Morning Sunday
It's Sunday and as I woke up to the lovely sound of my bf's text I noticed how cold it looked outside from my window. I remember yesterday being so hot that i actually got a tan. Go figure. I am noticing that I need to star cleaning my room asap. My clothes need to be put away even though they are already folded and I need to rearrange the pin-board to give me space for a photoshoot area. I also need to get an ml-l3 asap. Boyfriend is going to play softball today even thought he's sick. So I wish him luck. I will being watching "tv" form my laptop and tiding up a bit until he is finished. I will post pics later of my adventures yesterday.
For the record!
When I was i think 15 or 16 one of those I went to Oxnard with my family for the Strawberry Festival which used to be something we did every year, don't ask why but it's not as cheesy as it sounds. So anyway one of my lil cuzins was supposed to bungee jump and he thought he was all macho but as soon as he went up he chickened out and they don;t give youa refund but we arabs somehow got him to let me take his palce as long as we bought a video and my dad thought I wouldn't do it. BUT I DID. & the picture you see below is of me bungee jumping, seriously I don't lie about this shit and I got the video to prove it. i think it was 400 ft or was it 700 i don't really remember i should check ont he tap because I wrote it on there. I was scaredshitless!!!!!! But I would definitely do it again and again and again! Seriously bomb feeling! I just thought I'd share that because I found this pic in my archives. =)

Denim Itch!
I don't want love to destroy me like it did my family.
This is probably one of the few times that I will get sentimental on here for any reason at all. Lately, maybe it's because of the pms emotions but I have been super down. I try to hide it as much as possible but it;s like so many different things just seem to go wrong all at once. I'm not trying to bring any pity to myself. My life is not that bad i mean it could be worst but it's no walk in the park. & if it wasn't for him I think would have totally lost it, but he make me feel wanted and happy better than anyone has ever made me happy and makes me feel part of a family again and I appreciate that so so much. thanks babe.
My family used to mean the most to me and they still do but we're not much of a family anymore and they say without family your nothing... so if your nothing then what happens to you? I hate that my family has been torn apart and I hate that I can't do anything about it. & I hate that it has shaped me to be the person I am today. I would write so much more but it's better if I don't. I tried to get the video but the code is disabled so all i coudl get was the URL. Don't Judge me or this post and don;t make me regret opening up just a little bit about my personal life. Sorry this had to be a sad one. I'll make up for it tho.
This is probably one of the few times that I will get sentimental on here for any reason at all. Lately, maybe it's because of the pms emotions but I have been super down. I try to hide it as much as possible but it;s like so many different things just seem to go wrong all at once. I'm not trying to bring any pity to myself. My life is not that bad i mean it could be worst but it's no walk in the park. & if it wasn't for him I think would have totally lost it, but he make me feel wanted and happy better than anyone has ever made me happy and makes me feel part of a family again and I appreciate that so so much. thanks babe.
My family used to mean the most to me and they still do but we're not much of a family anymore and they say without family your nothing... so if your nothing then what happens to you? I hate that my family has been torn apart and I hate that I can't do anything about it. & I hate that it has shaped me to be the person I am today. I would write so much more but it's better if I don't. I tried to get the video but the code is disabled so all i coudl get was the URL. Don't Judge me or this post and don;t make me regret opening up just a little bit about my personal life. Sorry this had to be a sad one. I'll make up for it tho.


I have windows vista & since I am oh so bored I started messing around with the sidebar gadgets and I came across a gadget for blogging so I can do it right from my sidebar isntead of opening up a browser and logging in and all that stuff. Now, I am just checking to see if it works.
Oh how I want to be at Coachella!
Light Painting 101
Last night we went for a drive super far and we pulled over the freeway to wait for one of hector's friends but anyway point of this is that I finally figured out how to use my aperture settings and shutter speeds for taking pictures at night, the only problem is because when you take such pictures the shutter takes some time to close so I need my tripod for taking those kind of pictures since my hand shakes way too much. But I was super (lowkey) excited that I can now take pictures like this but with less shake next time.
Did I not call it or Did I not call it?
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