so last night while i was bored in bed watching FIREWALL i decided to paint my nails. Typically the only reason I paint my nails myself is to keep me from bititng them. (BAD HABIT) So instead of biting my naisl I chip off the nail polish like almost as soon as it dries. I know I'm a bit neurotic. But anywho I decided to try a color that I had never tried before. BLACK!
I seen some girls with black nail but usually it's girls with skinny fingers not like mine and much better manicured nails, again not like mine. I didn't think I'd like this look but I have to admit it has grown on me. I kinda like it so I haven't even attempted to bite it off. The nail polish I used was some like Sally Xtreme Wear sticky crap I found in my sisters room so it looks a lil shiny and it's kinda thick. Overall I'm happy with it. Until I actually get my nails done.