About a week ago my dad bought this god-forsaken phone online but he had originally bought it for my sister for her birthday, but I convinced him not too so he kept it for himself and bought her the rockr. Then, my boyfriend took a look at it and went and bought it right away, so for $230 you have the whole internet in the palm of your hand. It's really not that bad, it's pretty cool i'm not gonna lie. BUT it makes the owner feel all high & mighty. I think it's too bulky though. And the hwole menu thing is kind of confusing. BUT you can see like an actual street view!!! which is really cool i have to admit! And I haven't had the chance to see all the applications but the ones I have seen are pretty damn cool! I'm not sure if I want it though. I still have my eye on the Blackberry Bold & Storm. haha but at the moment i have the shittiest phone ever made.