so i was in psych class today and i always sit in the same row the back back row because its in a lecture hall and im always on my lp writing notes and i HATE to sit next to people becuz i LIKE my privacy! and people r forever looking at my screen since i have a 17inch widescreen i would look too so which is why i have the courtesy of sittin in the back and not getting in anyones way. WELL TODAY, some dumb guy who never sits in the back he also sits in the same spot which is in the row in frotn of me decides to sit right next to me! and he has a reeking stench about him! and he just keeps peeking under his rimless glasses lookin at my screen! and i was getting super annoyed! ugh! but his dumbbutt sat in a seat das for left-handers! sooo he had to hunch over to the left side to write notes wiht his right hand! bahah! das what he gets for trying to be nosey!
lesson learned: Don't let your eyes wander on another persons screen .